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Eton Mess recipe

Eton mess. Made the meringues the other day just so I could try this. I’d never had it, but was intrigued by the fact that I’d never even heard of such a simple dessert. I swapped out the strawberries for blueberries & used low fat cool whip. It is so good, tastes like you’re eating sweet air, lol! This is one for the books!!!

“Eton mess is a traditional English dessert consisting of a mixture of strawberries, pieces of meringue and cream, which is traditionally served atEton College’s annual cricket game against the students of Winchester College


  • 3egg whites
  • 34cup sugar


  1. Beat whites until very stiff.
  2. Gradually add sugar and keep beating until mixture forms peaks.
  3. Grease or spray, with cooking oil a large cookie sheet and put teaspoon amounts on to the sheet about 2 inches apart.
  4. Place in preheated 225 degree oven on the middle rack and bake for 30 minutes. Check to see if the center of the cookie is dry for doneness.
  5. If dry, remove from oven and bang sheet- the cookies should jump off the sheet!

Note: Do not brown!  Thanks to http://www.food.com/recipe/bettys-easy-meringue-cookies-2-ingredients-133480#ixzz1lnepNKsc for the meringue recipe!

Layer the blueberries, meringue and cool whip for an awesome light treat!

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